Monday, July 28, 2014

A Balancing Act: Part Two: Bitter

Cauliflower Curry
Curry Minded and it was fantastic!  Classic combination of cumin and yellow curry spices but balanced in a way that offered aroma, depth, rich flavor with toasty notes but no dairy.  Normally bitter dishes are balanced with sweet like coconut or nut milks, brown or white sugar, ghee, or some other kind of starch like potatoes or rice.

My ingredient list: cauliflower, carrots, onion, peas, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, slivers of serrano chile and cilantro. I could have used a black iron skillet but instead I used a wok on low and slowly toasted the cauliflower on one side and removed to a bowl.  I added the spices, and cooked lightly and as soon as I found a hint of aroma, which was about 10 seconds, I added one tablespoon vegetable oil, the garlic, ginger, carrots and onion.  Simmer gently.  Next in, cauliflower, tomatoes, serrano chile, and a 1/2 cup of water for a quick 3 minute simmer.  I finished with a cup of  peas, a pinch of salt and pepper and cilantro.

Mixing ingredients to finish
Toasting Cauliflower on lower heat

The learning was that with slow careful cooking and in the right order, the pan picks up a caramelized skin from the vegetables.  Make the pan too hot for this style of no cream curry and the flavors will bitter out!

Enjoy the day, enjoy the curry.  The Vegetable Alchemist.

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