Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?

A weekend full of sports and workout. Super Sunday approaches. Winters in Chi-town get exciting on the tube as channels compete for viewing tennis, basketball, snowboarding, soccer and golf. I watch and think more and more about ideas on how to grow out Vegetable Alchemy changing the world for low impact living. As sports commercials tout burgers, pork and chicken, I settle into examining my stash of home-styled new misos and start chopping away. Quick Winter Vegetable Soup takes shape. What miso will it be? barley, chickpea, brown rice, white bean or red? Miso, miso on the wall.....barley gets the call.

A friend sends a note on f/b....' Check it out.... from a diary of sayings from Albert Einstein! ' " I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." Well, so am I right now, about Miso and how great it is in a low impact world. Planet Minded, Body Smart. I find it 'curious' that with decades of food and beverage experiences, cooking in all types of cuisine, all over the world, now after all that background, I just feel more comfortable moving my lifestyle to plant based and low impact, sports to food and living. As for those of you reading, grab a beer and check it out. Call a friend over as this easily makes two hefty bowls. Knife practice makes perfect. Vary the veggies as you like. It's fun filled cheap!

Miso and Vegetable Soup, spoons of savory satifaction.

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup onion, chopped 1/2 dice
1 cup celery, chopped into 1/2 inch dice
1 cup Idaho potato, peeled, cut into 1/2 dice
1/2 cup green pepper, seeded, cut into 1/2 inch dice
1 cup kale, stems intact, washed and cut into thin strips
2 cloves, garlic, chopped fine
2 tablespoons barley miso
1 cup firm tofu, cut into 1/2 inch dice
2 quarts vegetable stock, divided
1/2 cup cilantro, coarsely chopped
1 teaspoon oregano leaf
1/2 teas red pepper flakes
sea salt and fresh pepper to taste

Heat a three quart wok or stock pot. Add the olive oil. Stir in the vegetables up to and including the garlic. Cook over medium heat until the kale starts to wilt. Stir 1/4 cup of the vegetable stock with the miso. Add the remaining stock to the vegetables and bring to light boil. Cook about 3-4 minutes until the potatoes are soft. Stir in the tofu, cilantro, oregano, red pepper flakes and season lightly. Simmer one minute. Stir in the barley miso mixture. Simmer one minute and enjoy!

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